Why Every Solopreneuer Needs A Tribe
By: Andrea Silvershein
Solopreneurs do it all. From creating products to networking to meeting clients, it’s hard to imagine time for much else. Yet, if you haven’t dedicated time to find your tribe, you could fall short of your full potential. Here are three reasons joining and remaining active in a tribe should be at the top of your to-do list.
Staying on top of your game.
Everyone has them — days when they’re distracted by every idle thought and each beep of their phone. Even with a long to-do list and full inbox, it’s hard to stay focused. Tribe members have a dependable source of inspiration. They know that when they meet with their group, each person will discuss what they’ve accomplished. This expectation pushes members to buckle down and get to work.
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The more, the wiser.
Another benefit of having a tribe is access to a group of minds working to solve any challenges you face. Sure, if you spend a few weeks scouring the Internet, flipping through manuals, and binging on podcasts, you could figure just about anything out. But you don’t have to go through all that time and trouble with an intelligent and passionate tribe at your fingertips. Your tribe cares about you, and their goal is to ensure your success.
Returning the favor.
Finally, and this one is a biggie, having a tribe affords you the chance to give back to others. As Zig Ziglar said, “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Plus, the only thing that feels better than accomplishing your goals is helping others reach their goals.
True success isn’t based on whether you think you’re winning or losing in the moment. Instead, success is consistently doing the work that ignites your soul. Dedicate time this week to find the best tribe for you. They will make invaluable allies along your entrepreneurial journey.
Andrea Silvershein, an experienced certified Business Coach, is laser-focused on helping women grow their business. Her methods emphasize working smarter, not harder.
Originally published at www.ellevatenetwork.com.