Use Intuition to Guide Your Career Moves
By: Catherine Jewell
As women, we are blessed with a fine-tuned sense of intuition. Have you ever been thinking about someone, and that person called you, at that moment? Have you ever said to yourself, “I need new black slacks?” In the next few days, you not only see a great black pair of slacks, but they are on sale, at your favorite store?
Intuitive “hits” are actually the act of noticing coincidences and serendipity in our lives. With a little focus, you can turn your “women’s intuition” into a powerful career and life tool.
At a subconscious level, your brain is working on your desires and goals. You might not be conscious of the “why” behind an intuitive urge, but your brain knows better. You might say intuitive messages are gifts from your guides, your higher self, your guardian angel, or even God.
What we think about, we bring about.
If you experience a coincidence, it is likely because you noticed a link to your thinking and what happened. Chances are, you have just experienced manifesting, or bringing something about by thinking about it.
Let’s say you were thinking of a red car. You go to a showroom and the salesperson just happens to show you a red model that is exactly what you had in mind. Chances are, you spoke clearly your desires. Or, did you just think them? The thought was so much a part of your behavior that you may not remember saying “red car,” but the salesperson got the message loud and clear.
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Coincidences happen because we are aware.
If you are caught up in the maze of life, running down the next tunnel, you aren’t likely to even notice coincidence. But, if you have clear goals and are thinking about them, you will see coincidences all around you. You will be networking, and just the right person posts in your LinkedIn news stream!
This is because you were aware and alert to what you want. Somehow, you communicate this desire, without words, and bring it to you. The best way to be aware of job opportunities is to have a written target job in mind:
Operations Manager
Medical Clinic or Practice of 50+ Doctors
In my city, or allows remote work
Paying $125–150,000
Coincidences prove there is order in the universe.
Sometimes, it even feels spooky. You think about someone, and they are magically thinking about you at the same time. You are thinking about a problem, and you magically meet someone who has solved the same problem recently. It feels great to know that somewhere, above our world that seems in chaos, there is order.
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So, what do you DO when you experience intuitive “hits?”
Take coincidence as a positive sign. You either were seeking an answer, if just subconsciously, or you desired something. Whatever the coincidence, take it as a green light.
If the subject is positive and feels right to you, go for it. If someone mentions they love working for a certain company, research that company and look for your job position on their website. Be more aware of the accidental inputs all around you.
Act with speed. A coincidence is a window of opportunity opening for you. Just like a window, it might be open for only a short time. And, just like a window, it might take a little effort to go through it. Act on the idea quickly and see how your chances of success multiply. If you find the right job listing, apply immediately.
Don’t sit back and say to yourself, “Well, I don’t have every single qualification.” Or, “I’m not sure about the culture there.” These thoughts are fear talking. YOU are the one who sees all the barriers in front of you. Act, instead, on the good vibes you get and you will be amazed at the results.
Be grateful. Understand that life is an adventure to be savored. Sometimes a defeat will later reveal itself as a blessing in disguise. When you first bump up against a barrier, especially if it is also a coincidence, just say, “Now, isn’t that interesting?” I learned this technique from a fellow trainer. She experienced a negative response to something she had said in a workshop. Instead of taking the comment personally, she simply said, “That’s interesting. Tell me more.” Rather than feeling defeated, she was grateful that one person’s feedback revealed her communication wasn’t clear.
In the same way, be grateful for every single contact with a recruiter or hiring manager. Each one is giving you an opportunity to prove yourself. Your first interview might be a disaster, but your next will be better. Always ask for feedback at the end of every encounter by phone, Zoom or in-person. You can say: “Based on our conversation, do you think I am a good fit for this position?” This question takes some courage. Stop talking and pick up a pen. Write down all the words you can, so that you have a direct quote. Be grateful for feedback. You are getting closer and closer to your goal.
Be in wonder, not in worry. It is said that an ordinary person worries, while a spiritual person wonders. Be in wonder about where this new idea or opportunity or relationship will take you.
Life is a journey that takes us on twists and turns. Each turn in the road gives us an opportunity to learn and grow. Look at your resume and be in wonder at the coincidences that took you from one job to another.
Life isn’t fair. The odds are actually stacked in your favor!
Albert Einstein said: “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” If one of the most intelligent and creative people who ever lived can believe the world is benign, so can you.
Enjoy the intuitive hits coming to you every day. Use synchronicity and coincidence to guide you to new heights in your career.
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Catherine Jewell is a career coach focused on helping mid-level professionals increase their salaries 20–50%, while finding jobs they love. She is a certified Professional Career Manager (PCM) and has been known as the Career Passion Coach since 2002. She is the author of New Resume New Career, and has been quoted in The New York Times, Entrepreneur, and Black Enterprise magazines.
Originally published at