Lessons from Apollo 11: Dare to Soar
By: Pichi Bellingrath McClure
We all have goals, but how do we do nail them? Watching the movie Apollo 11, it struck me how NASA and countless others within their “orbit” harnessed their special skills to accomplish seemingly impossible goals.
Impossible goals such as the first man landing on the moon, July 20, 1969, and then returning safely to Earth. Neil Armstrong immortalized this historic lunar landing by saying:
That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
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This remarkable event demonstrates each person’s capabilities in terms of the lunar mission — with regards to aptitude, skills, intellect, personal will, and desire to collaborate in a complex team of like-minded people. They are like rocket-minded individuals who dream of the impossible.
Yes, you can realize your dream, and by doing so, take small steps toward your seemingly unreachable goal by spreading your dream to those you directly touch, and in turn, making a great leap for the betterment of mankind.
An analogy of one success is that of the rocket commandeered by the space crew, which demonstrates the key of our own success and hitting our goals. When the rocket was on the launch pad, a serious, life-threatening event occurred. The Apollo 11 was almost scrubbed, due to liquid hydrogen leakage. NASA overcame this crisis. It got fixed in time for liftoff.
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Like NASA, we all have obstacles that must be overcome in order to succeed. When dealing with our obstacles, we have to plow right through them, go around them, or go underneath them. When one method doesn’t work, try another, and another, until we get want we want done. Let’s keep the eye on the prize until we get what we want.
Once the astronauts’ obstacle of the fuel leakage was fixed, the crew took off from the launch pad. The launch of the rocket into outer space was slow, but gained both force and momentum as the ship broke through Earth’s atmosphere into deep space.
Like these heroic American astronauts, we must start our goal journey slowly, carefully, step-by-step, just as NASA planned before our heroes strapped on their space-suits, preparing for liftoff. The synergy of every step will bring forth an accumulation that will gain momentum to propel you toward your success.
When you execute your hard, insurmountable goal, you’ll beam like the sunlight on the Moon’s surface. You will be so proud that you’re soaring with the eagles, for you are one eagle that’s landed.
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Pichi Bellingrath McClure is a resilience expert. She helps people strengthen their personal leadership and overcome the impossible through her content, tools, and strategies. Subscribe to her biweekly Resilience Tips and follow her on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.
Originally published at https://www.ellevatenetwork.com.